congratulations to Nigeria students queen of rosary college

Congratulations to Nigerian students from Queen of the Rosary College, Onitsha, Anambra State .who clinched second place in the just concluded World Affairs Challenge, which is an international competition for high school students, aimed at developing and implementing their own S.M.A.R.T.

solutions for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Nigerian students reportedly carried out innovation in Queens’ Life bags – a 100 per cent plantable biodegradable bag made from rice straws, banana fibers, and corn husks and infused with tomato, pepper and watermelon seeds such that the bags can grow into plants when disposed of. It is for millions of smart youths like these in our country that we remain resolute in building a New Nigeria centred on innovation and productivity, where people's skills will match their opportunities in life. The young students have brought honor to the nation through their smart idea which is very beneficial to the environment. We celebrate them, their teachers, and millions of youths across the nation who are involved in different productive enterprises. 
